Lake Anderson revisited by agents

Authored by M Mohring, KG Troitzsch

Date Published: 2001-06

Sponsors: European Union

Platforms: MIMOSE

Model Documentation: Other Narrative Pseudocode

Model Code URLs: Model code not found


In our paper, we replicate simulation experiments carried out some 30 years by Jay M. Anderson who then tried to find out which measures should be taken avoid the eutrophication of a lake. In his DYNAMO model, he simulated the development of a lake under cultural eutrophication, i.e. mainly by the discharge of fertilisers from agriculture. He designed a number of policies applied them as an experimenter. In our model, some of the policies suggested by Anderson are taken by a government (or, alternatively, by a number of regional governments) who are in charge of the region(s) around the lake. We define rules which the authorities apply when they find that some of the variables which describe the state of the lake exceed (or fall below) certain thresholds. In a next step of refinement of the model, authorities will still define thresholds, but will not take all possible measures themselves, but charge the farmers with taxes when they exceed the fertiliser discharge limit. Farmers will then be endowed with rules which tell them whether it is better for them to pay the taxes or take appropriate measures against eutrophication themselves. The rationale of our paper is to show how stepwise refinement of a model can contribute to our understanding of the interactions between water resource decision makers of different levels and the natural environment. It part of our efforts to develop agent-based models for application to issues of water treatment - as is done in the FIRMA project(1).
Water management multilevel modelling stepwise refinement